Friday, June 26, 2009

Today At Maymont

Ok, so 8:30 in the morning does not agree with me. However, I was there with Heather and ready to help make Maymont look its best. Everyone else was assigned to work in the Italian gardens Dead heading roses. Peggy assigned me to leaf blowing, and that did not sound very calming and nature oriented, but it was fun. I got to drive a golf cart around and I cleaned the front of the Nature center and all around the barn. I loved the fact that the goats enjoyed eating the leaves that I blew into their pen. The coolest moment however came in the form of the circle of life. After I had finished blowing and met up with the rest of the volunteers in the garden we saw the neatest sight. A Hawk had just plucked his prey of a garden snake out of the garden and was about to enjoy his meal. WE stood there and watched as the hawk eviscerated the snake and ate every part of it. We all thought this was beautiful and we laughed at the insane Mockingbird who kept pestering the Hawk. The Hawk, upon finishing, lifted its hind feathers in a graceful large movement, and defecated. It just goes to show that not all of nature is pristine but it is all important. I had a lot of fun and I am excited to see what we do next week at Maymont

1 comment:

  1. this eco blog is awesome- your writing invited me into your experiences and engagement with class. Thank you for doing this so well and for taking the initiative in using this formaat.
